So you’re a solo artist, Band, Entertainer…

Now what?

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Anyone can book you and take your money in this world

At TruNorth we want to sharpen your skills to think about your career with a view directed toward longevity.

You can spend your whole life being a musician and wonder why some of your colleagues are living in big houses and living the sweet life! You deserve to take your life and God given talent to the highest level. With our tools and teaching, you can learn the “what to do’s” and “what not to do’s” about the music world.

There are 3 types of people in this world…

  1. People who Let things happen.

2. People who watch things happen.

3. People who make things happen

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12 steps TO beginning A MUSIC CAREER

  1. Start with the right makeup of musicians that have similar goals

  2. Don’t do it for the fame. Have fun and enjoy the journey

  3. Love what you write and be original

  4. Invest in your career early on and run it like a professional business

  5. Make a great first impression. Work hard and prepare

  6. Don’t focus on others success. Focus on what YOU are doing

  7. Be open to COVERS and multiple styles and be the MMA of your craft because knowledge is power

  8. Save your money. The fact is that money comes and goes so think about longevity

  9. Realize the best possible content. Be patient. Sometimes you get one arrow to shoot to kill

  10. Remember why you started. Sometimes when you get to where you’re dreaming you forget the 13 yr old you that would’ve done it for fun and free. The music world can make you forget the magic so stay humble and stay hungry

  11. Don’t sign the first deal or opportunity. Better ones will come to you!

  12. Always stay healthy and remember we are a business and we are selling ourselves! attitude and looks are very important in the music world. it’s a very hard pill to swallow but the music business hears with its eyes and ears in today’s entertainment climate.


Youth is not forever so it’s how you raise your future as a band or entertainer, solo artist, whatever your talent and craft is. we care and nurture your artistry. We want you to be successful and have the benefits & education of how to maintain your survival so when you’re retired you can look back at your catalogue and revel in its marvelous view.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation to find out what we can do to help you advance your career in the entertainment industry. Your imagination is the only limitation on your future and knowledge is power.

Let’s do this together!